Building The Foundation

Capital Campaign

A Message From Pastor Mike

**UPDATE** On November 17, we had an opportunity during service to turn in pledges to support the campaign. With the congregational approval of extending the campaign to four years, the campaign is a success! Praise God! If you haven’t made a commitment yet, and would like to, be sure to complete the digital commitment card.


Dear Hope,

“Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain.”  – Psalm 128:1

How true these words are.  And yet, how truly exciting these words are for us!  In the past year we have seen some amazing blessings here at Hope.  We have watched as an influx of new members have joined our family and are getting active and participating at a pace that only God could have dictated or even imagined. 

We have watched as God has upgraded our physical site and provided for us the completion of a new parking lot, the completion of 31st Street, the renovation of our bathrooms and pre-school rooms, new sails in the courtyard, and even the addition of a new energy saving EFIS system on the exterior of our sanctuary.  But there is still more to go.  Still on the docket is a new lighting package for our sanctuary (the last part of the Sanctuary Remodel).  In truth, I have been blown away by God’s provision over the course of the last couple of years and how it has allowed us to fix up and improve our campus in some amazing ways…

We’ve watched as God has added Seth Kravig to our staff and the incredible blessing he has been to our church.  Adding not just needed administrative acumen, but also an amazing heart for Jesus.  It has been so exciting watching how the Lord has grown him over the past several years and put on his heart now to become a pastor.  Our prayers and encouragements will continue to be with him as he begins this journey next fall.  And we are forever thankful… that there is a way for him to do that while staying at our church.

And then in the spring, we watched God bring us together in a remarkable way to change the name of our church to Hope Church Lutheran, giving us a new message to share with our friends and the community around us.  Our prayer, through this process, is that God would indeed bring Hope not only to North Phoenix, but also to the whole world around us through our ministry.

And now the Lord has brought us all to a point where we need and are able to address revamping and adding to our current ministry facility.  If you haven’t had a chance yet to look at the schematic drawings that have been up on our website for several months now, please take some time to do so.  And as you ponder what it is that God might do in this place, let your mind run wild with the different ways that it can be put to use for the Kingdom of God.

But the truth is… it’s not just our amazing God that has allowed us to accomplish all these things and now has put this opportunity before us to expand our physical site… but it is also you!  We are so beyond thankful for you as well.  For you have been so amazingly faithful.

And so with this new opportunity to expand our site, I would also like to encourage you to remain steadfast to your commitment to God and to this project that lies before us.  We are almost ready to begin!  Satan will try to frustrate these plans, but with Christ we know that nothing can defeat us – for we have been given victory over Him once and for all.  Thank you so much for being faithful to Your Lord. Everyone on staff here at Hope is very proud of you.

With this letter of thanksgiving to you, I am enclosing a list of the things we hope to accomplish through this campaign.  With all the growth that we have experienced this last year and with the addition of another staff person (Seth) it has become evident that we must proceed with two very important components to continue our growth over the next decade.

We need to create more parking.  The truth is as we re-grow our “in person” worship experience we need more parking here at Hope.  And while the summer months certainly provide a reprieve, all the activities that we do throughout the year in conjunction with our services have put an emphasis on the need for parking spots.  With this campaign we will be able to add more parking spaces in close proximity to the church as well as expand our temporary parking spaces out back (both should be considered huge wins).  This also will allow us to comply with city ordinances which discourage us from parking in the dirt as well as the city’s mandate that these spots must be added to this capital project.

We need space.  When the building committee got together to look at next steps.  We walked through the question… what is the best thing we could do to add useable space for the money?  And we believe that what we have presented is the answer to that question.  For as we cover over the courtyard it gives us just that… SPACE.  Space to do interior fellowship events, space for our youth and pre-school, space to converse every Sunday in comfort, space to do big events.  Just SPACE.  But it also provides FLEXIBILITY.  It gives us a solution now to overflow seating, banquets, interior youth activities, climate-controlled fellowship space that we’ve never had before.  And it even adds QUALITY.  Quality for our pre-school rating that will now be able to increase because of the increased safety, interior bathrooms, and interior space this adds to our facility.  Quality to our curb appeal as it ties the rest of this site together in a spectacular way.  Quality to the weekly experiences of the members of our church.  The quality of having an interior nursery and bathrooms.

In short, this capital campaign, whether it can be accomplished in three years (in one phase) or this next decade (in three phases) will give us the space, flexibility, and quality additions we need to keep growing into the future.  And my prayer is that just as God has blessed us over the last several years He would continue to bless us and our faithfulness moving forward.  And the only additional thing I’d ask you to do is pray.  Pray that God will also do that “something more”… (like HE did, when He built for us 31st Street)… so that all of Phoenix would know… that there is a God at Hope Church Lutheran.  And His name is Jesus!

Pastor Mike

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God has done incredible things at Hope

With our in-person and online growth, we asked “What’s our next step?”

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Everything you need to know in a downloadable PDF

Learn about

  • Phases of This Project
  • Two Goals of Phase 1
  • Guide To Giving

What Are The Phases Of This Project?

In Phase 1

We will be able to accomplish adding much-needed paved parking. We will be able to provide well-defined parking areas, walking paths, and retain all of our entry/exits. We will not only replace the temporary parking (by the modulars) with paved parking, but we will also add additional spots farther north towards the back wall. Finally, we will be able to update our monument sign along Thunderbird Road to a digital sign, adding to the increased visibility and appeal for traffic along Thunderbird and 31st street.

In Phase 2

We will be able to enclose the existing courtyard. This will provide much needed year-round use of over 3,500 square feet. With natural light flowing in and a high ceiling it will feel airy without being cavernous, providing a welcoming area for people to hang-out regardless of the environmental conditions. The enclosure of the courtyard will significantly increase the aesthetic of our site as it would complete the southern half of our lot. Again, this is something that presents an inviting place for our community to come and be a part of.

In Phase 3

We would be able to finish off all interior portions that will be enclosed in phase 2. This is more the adorning items, the decorations that make it unique to us. If you think of it in terms of your home, this is the throw pillows, the artwork/pictures on the walls, the epoxy garage floor instead of just a concrete floor. Yes, these items are important because it is in those fine details that our personality comes through. It’s where we communicate not only our mission but how we go about the “doing” of our mission.

In Our Phase 1 Capital Campaign “Building The Foundation” We Seek To Accomplish Two Main Goals

Goal 1 - $760,000

Goal 1 is the parking lot. It will add much-needed parking as well as additional curb appeal and functionality to our site.  Which is awesome!  But it also is the first step that the city has outlined for us that must be done, as we proceed through all three phases of this project.

Goal 2 - $850,000

Goal 2 includes the parking lot but adds a monument sign with LED display capability.  With our new name, this sign will allow us to share our new identity with the community around us, as well as give us the “new” ability to market all the events and opportunities that Hope has to offer.  This will be especially true of our pre-school, which we believe will benefit through this new outreach capability.

Steps In Giving​

1. Pray

Pray that God will open your heart and mind to do His will

Consider your God-given resources and prayerfully determine your commitment

Decide what portion of your commitment will be given initially and over three years

On November 17 you will be given the opportunity to complete a confidential commitment card

Pray that God may enable you to fulfill your commitment and richly bless your faith

Heavenly Father, we thank You for all work that has been done here at Hope. Send Your Holy Spirit to open our hearts and minds as we consider the task before us. We humbly ask that You bless our congregation through this experience and continue to bring us together during this Capital Campaign. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.