
Hope partners with Borderlands Food Rescue to bring fresh produce directly to our parking lot on the first Saturday of each month. Enjoy a "drive through" style to receive up to 70 pounds of produce for a $15 donation. Reserve a box here - https://borderlandsproducerescue.org/programs/redistribute/duta-information/ Serve our community and volunteer contact Seth Kravig at skravig@hopephx.com

Ladies’ Breakfast

Second Saturday of the month @ 9am at IHOP on Cactus Road Join us for breakfast and make some new friends. Questions? Contact womens@hopephx.com

Knit Wits

1st Saturday of the month @ 12:00pm – 2:00pm Since 2015, members of Hope have knit hats for newborns. On average, 1200 hand-knit hats have been donated each year to hospitals, Arizona Helping Hands, Agua Prieta Mexico, and the With Child Center. Yarn is supplied, if you don't know how to knit we'll teach you!…

Christmas Adventure

Courtyard 3030 E Thunderbird Rd, Phoenix, AZ, United States

Kids, come on out and build a nativity scene, using graham crackers, frosting and candy.  Yum!  And, there will be hot chocolate for you to enjoy while you're working!

Middle School Christmas Party

Grades 6-8, it's time for a Christmas Party! We will meet December 8 at 4pm for holiday snacks, food, games, and a white elephant gift exchange. Bring a wrapped gift ($10 limit) and a friend. Register here Questions? Contact Mike Edge at medge@hopephx.com

High School Christmas Party

Grades 9-12, it's the most wonderful time of year! We will meet December 8 from 6-7:30pm for holiday snacks, food, games, and a white elephant gift exchange. Bring a wrapped gift ($10 limit) and a friend. Location: Nolds home (register and location will be emailed) Register here Questions? Contact Mike Edge at medge@hopephx.com