Angel Tree

Angel Tree gifts for children Purchase gifts for children of incarcerated parents. There are several ways to volunteer in addition to purchasing gifts. Help with the Christmas party on Saturday, December 14. Wrap and organize the gifts for the families Bake cookies or provide special treats for the party. Register HERE to learn more.

Christmas Pageant

Preschool and Sunday School kids share the story of the birth of Jesus through songs, videos, and readings. Rehearsals meet during Sunday School at 9:30am. Questions? Contact Kathy Grandprey

Event Series Tabitha Quilting

Tabitha Quilting

Fellowship Hall 3030 E Thunderbird Rd, Phoenix, AZ, United States

Join us the first and third Thursdays of the month at 10:30 am. No experience necessary, if you don't know how to sew/quilt we'll teach you.

City Serve :: Refurbish Electronics

Help mobilize local churches to live out the Gospel in their communities. Refurbish electronics, sort and organize deliveries. On site volunteers are welcome Monday-Friday 7am-4pm. Offsite volunteering is also available. Register HERE

A Festive Sweater Christmas

Wear your favorite "festive" sweater on Sunday, December 22nd. Enjoy coffee and cookies in the courtyard, and take a photo next to our Christmas trees.

Christmas Eve Services

Come experience the hope of Christmas this year with special music, a message on "The Purpose of Christmas," and candlelight at the conclusion of each service. 4:00 & 5:30pm - Contemporary 7:00pm - Traditional   Enjoy this special Christmas song Angels (Glory to God): Check out our latest blog post "How to Focus on…