Women’s Scottsdale ArtWalk

Enjoy a beautiful autumn night with ladies of Hope Church. Join us for  the Scottsdale’s ArtWalk. This event provides you the opportunity to visit renowned art galleries, see new art…

Women’s Annual Christmas Cookie Exchange

Ladies’ Cookie Exchange on Friday, December 6 at 6:30 pm at Sabrina Frieberg’s home. If you decide to bring cookies for the exchange, bring 8-10 dozens AND a platter to take cookies…

Ladies’ Breakfast

Second Saturday of the month @ 9am at IHOP on Cactus Road Join us for breakfast and make some new friends. Questions? Contact womens@hopephx.com

Knit Wits

1st Saturday of the month @ 12:00pm – 2:00pm Since 2015, members of Hope have knit hats for newborns. On average, 1200 hand-knit hats have been donated each year to…

Prayer Sisters’ Christmas Brunch

Prayer Sister Christmas Brunch where we play games, and enjoy fellowship together. Bring a feminine hygiene product for Harvest Compassion Center. We will also announce/sign up for the annual Prayer…